Deja la a 4-a ediție conferința MMB 2019 a fost mai bogată ca niciodată. Atât din punct de vedere al numărului de speakeri cât și a multitudinii de subiecte. Hotelul Caro a fost gazda evenimentului și s-a ridicat la înălțimea așteptărilor. Mai mult decât atât showcase-urile s-au desfășurat într-un spațiu care în trecut a mai găzduit concertele de prezentare MMB, respectiv, Fratelli Studios.
Ar fi atâtea de spus despre subiectele dezbătute în cadrul conferinței încât ne-am pierde în detalii. Dacă faci sau ai vrea să faci parte din industria muzicală românească ar trebui să participi la acest eveniment. Și dacă până acum nu ai făcut-o, fi pe fază pentru ediția viitoare. În continuarea articolului o să enumerăm temele de discuție împreună cu speakerii și atelierele tematice organizate în ultima zi. Conținutul este bogat, împănat cu interviuri și înregistrările anumitor sesiuni, îndeajuns cât să îți faci o idee despre importanța Mastering the Music Business în România.
United we stand, divided we fall (EN/RO)
By Anca Lupeș (RO) Founder – Mastering The Music Business, Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (UK) Policy Advisor – The International Music Managers Forum, Corinne Sadki (FR) Head of study, communication and digital development at Le Bureau Export / President EMEE, Didier Gosset (BE) Membership & Communication Manager – Impala Music
Competition is healthy for any free market. Every one is on their own and may the best man/woman win! But what if we can only win together, as a professional organization?
A&R – What it is and where it’s at (EN/RO)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Cătălin Muraru (RO) A&R – Roton, Jeroen te Rehorst (NL) Head of A&R – Armada Music, Stephen Budd (UK) Music Manager / Festival owner / A&R consultant – Stephen Budd Music Ltd, Max Paproth (DE) Senior Director A&R Central Europe – Universal Music GmbH
It’s come a long way from the guy that would go to all the weird gigs in all the sleazy bars. But what exactly is A&R in 2019?
Women in Music (EN/RO)
By Laura Coroianu (RO) Festival Director – AWAKE Festival / Co-owner – EMAGIC, Anca Lupeș (RO) Founder – Mastering The Music Business, Dijana Lakus (HR/UK) Manager – PAF!, Katia Giampaolo (IT) CEO at Estragon Club / Chair of MMF Italy, Neeta Ragoowansi (US) Co-Founder of NPREX, Entertainment Attorney & Global Chair, Chapter Expansion for Women in Music
How to play the festival game and win? (EN/RO)
By Gordon Masson (UK) Editor – IQ Magazine, Dragoș Chiscoci (RO) Manager – B.U.G. Mafia / Artist Booking & Programming – Awake, Filip Kostalek (CZ) Booking & Production Manager/Colours of Ostrava, Andi Vanca (RO) Head of Communication – Electric Castle, Maja Starcevic (RS) Main Stage booker – EXIT Festival, Marion Meier (CH) Head of program, production – Zürich Openair
If you’re an organizer, how do you get the audience to come to your festival? If you’re an artist, how do you get that big festival to notice you?
Zoli TOTH – from #1 in mainstream charts to experimental musician (RO/EN)
Dance me to the end of the DJ set (EN/RO)
By Ionuț Hupca (RO) Founder – Cyclic, Vlad Vedeș (RO) Musician, Răzvan Opran (RO) Event Organizer / Founder – The Mission, Jeroen te Rehorst (NL) Head of A&R – Armada Music, Cristi Ochiu (RO) Music Manager – Forward Agency, Nikki McNeill (UK) PR – Global Publicity
Is the DJ the modern rockstar? Let’s hear it from the professionals of the trade.
Success Stories – Moonlight Breakfast (RO/EN)
By Ilinca Ghișoiu (RO) Operations, Planning, and Booking – Overground Music, Moonlight Breakfast (RO) Indie Band
Meet the Festivals
By Dragoș Chiscoci (RO) Manager – B.U.G. Mafia / Artist Booking & Programming – Awake, Amelia Stanescu (RO) Event Organizer – Doors Constanta, Răzvan Opran (RO) Event Organizer / Founder – The Mission, Filip Kostalek (CZ) Booking & Production Manager/Colours of Ostrava, Peter Åstedt (SE) Booking Live at Heart Sweden, Maja Starcevic (RS) Main Stage booker – EXIT Festival, Marion Meier (CH) Head of program, production – Zürich Openair
speed meetings with the key professionals of music industry
Keynote Interview: Dan Popi (RO/EN)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business
Is the artist promoting the brand, or is the brand promoting the song? (RO/EN)
By Amalia Jakab (RO) Group Account Director – McCann Worldgroup, Anamaria Hâncu (RO) Label & Promotion Manager – Global Records
Case Study Coca-Cola x INNA
Keynote Interview – Kees van Veidjen (EN/RO)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Kees van Weijen (NL) President – Impala
Case Study – Scarlet Aura
By Aura Dănciulescu (RO) Lead Singer & Manager – Scarlet Aura, Ilinca Ghișoiu (RO) Operations, Planning, and Booking – Overground Music
Is urban music a truly universal language of business? (EN/RO)
By Victor Arvunescu (RO) Editor-in-Chief at, Grasu XXL (RO) Artist, Danny Fahey (UK) Creative Director – Thirty Pound Gentleman, Cristi Ochiu (RO) Music Manager – Forward Agency
Is rap really everywhere – from advertising to philosophy?
Keynote Interview – Scott Cohen (EN/RO)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Scott Cohen (UK) Chief Innovation Officer – Warner Music Group
Songwriting for film and theater – craft or art? (RO/EN)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Alexei Țurcan (RO) Composer & Producer, Marius Mihalache (RO) Artist, Dan Byron (RO) Artist, Raul Kusak (RO) Artist / Music Producer
The art of writing music for film and theater
How does a manager manage to manage manageable to unmanageable situations for the artist he manages? (EN/RO)
By Dragoș Chiscoci (RO) Manager – B.U.G. Mafia / Artist Booking & Programming – Awake, Vlad Irimia (RO) Artist & Manager – B.U.G. Mafia, Ekaterina Bazhanova (RU) Artist Manager / Founder – Music Development Russia, Dijana Lakus (HR/UK) Manager – PAF!, Katia Giampaolo (IT) CEO at Estragon Club / Chair of MMF Italy, Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (UK) Policy Advisor – The International Music Managers Forum, Scott Cohen (UK) Chief Innovation Officer – Warner Music Group
The goal was the record deal. Now the goal has changed. Or hasn’t it?
Meet the Venues
By Ștefan Zaharescu (RO) Booking Manager – /FORM SPACE, Andrei Bolovan (RO) Booking Manager – Charger Classic Bar & Krypton Events, Sarah Bayer (RO) Event Manager – Deane’s Irish Pub, Amelia Stanescu (RO) Event Organizer – Doors Constanta, Diana Niculae-Grigorescu (RO) Event Manager – Acaju / City Manager – Sofar Sounds Iasi, Antonio Nartea (RO) Event Manager – Expirat
speed meetings with the key professionals of music industry
The magic circle of professionals surrounding the artist (EN/RO)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Nuno Saraiva (PT) Founding Director – Lusitanian Music Publishing, Ekaterina Bazhanova (RU) Artist Manager / Founder – Music Development Russia, Nikki McNeill (UK) PR – Global Publicity, Boyan Robert Pinter (BG) Artist Manager / Production Manager – Sofia GuitArt Festival, Didier Gosset (BE) Membership & Communication Manager – Impala Music
Individual members of the artist’s team talk about how they work together witout getting in each other’s way.
David the artist vs Goliath the media (RO/EN)
By Ionut Paraschiv (RO) Founder of, Andrei Ilie (RO) Drummer, Cezar Cazan (RO) Co-Founder – Let’s, Ciprian Muntele (RO) Radio Host – Tananana, Adrian Coleașă (RO) Photographer / Owner of Midnight Burst, Iulia Pop (RO) PR – Overground Music, Bogdan Șerban (RO) Radio Host – Radio Guerrilla, Cristian China-Birta (RO) Blogger & Founder of Kooperativa 2.0
How to approach media reps. in order to achieve your goals.
Why isn’t my music in your movie? (EN/RO)
By Michelle de Vries (UK) Music Supervisor – SMA Talent, Jonathan Finegold (US) Music Supervisor, Founder of Fine Gold, Lucy Bright (UK) Music Supervisor, Neeta Ragoowansi (US) Co-Founder of NPREX, Entertainment Attorney & Global Chair, Chapter Expansion for Women in Music
Do’s and dont’s of having your music ready for the big picture. In association with the UK & European Guild Of Music Supervisors.
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Nuno Saraiva (PT) Founding Director – Lusitanian Music Publishing, Marcus Rüssel (DE) CEO – gigmit, Peter Åstedt (SE) Booking Live at Heart Sweden
From music business to… business (RO/EN)
By Avi Cicirean (RO) Entrepreneur, Creator, Director, Branding Expert – BRAND MINDS & EMOTION BRAND
An inspirational story of a Romanian artist turned businessman.
Meet the Romanian Live Music Professionals
By Daniel Drăghici (RO) Event Organizer, Larisa Perde (RO) Label Manager – Vinyl, Rum, Tapas & Wine, Kirk (RO) Event Organizer –, Bogdan Niță (RO) Senior Booking Agent – Forward Agency, Cristina Tomulescu (RO) Managing Partner – Talent Shop, Cristian Stan (RO) Promoter – Sublime Romania, Codruț Dumitrescu (RO) Music Manager – Overground Music, Emil Ionescu (RO) Managing Director – BestMusic Live Concerts &
speed meetings with the key professionals of music industry
Publisher – artist, clerk, accountant, matchmaker, detective (EN/RO)
By Steve Farris (UK) A&R/Creative Manager – 13 Artists Publishing, Laurențiu Olariu (RO) Copyright & Synch Manager – Schubert Music Publishing, Nuno Saraiva (PT) Founding Director – Lusitanian Music Publishing, Horea Pascu (RO) Managing Director – Blue Island Music, Coen Tegelberg (NL) A&R / Creative Manager – Cloud 9 Music
What does a publisher do to actually deserve his percent?
Keynote Interview – Tata Vlad (RO/EN)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Vlad Irimia (RO) Artist & Manager – B.U.G. Mafia
What can you do to help the ticket company make you more money? (RO/EN)
By Dan Fințescu (RO) Main Moderator & Organizer – Mastering The Music Business, Cristian Stan (RO) Promoter – Sublime Romania, Antonio Nartea (RO) Event Manager – Expirat, Emil Ionescu (RO) Managing Director – BestMusic Live Concerts &
The things a promoter and a venue can do to get more money out of ticket sales.
Taking the lead as an artist (RO/EN)
By Mihai Moldoveanu (RO) Bass Player – JazzyBIT
Being an independent & self-managed band doesn’t mean you release music and wait for shows to happen. It often involves the part where you make it happen! JazzyBIT bass player Mihai Moldoveanu will talk about initiative and how to get the right mindset in order to get the band rolling. Backed by an experience of 7 years of booking shows, doing PR and managing JazzyBIT, Mihai will share many techniques that helped the band getting better exposure and more gigs (abroad too). Presentation in Romanian. English translation available.
Success Stories – Karpov Not Kasparov (RO/EN)
By Ilinca Ghișoiu (RO) Operations, Planning, and Booking – Overground Music, Valerius Borcoș (RO) Artist – Karpov not Kasparov
Ateliere tematice
YouTube for Artists – How to make the most out of YouTube (EN)
By András Bodrogi (HU) New Media Consultant / Digital Content Advisor / YouTube Specialist
Copyrights and the relationship with the collecting societies (RO)
By Laurențiu Oprea (RO) Coordinator of the Copyright Office – Romanian Television Society
Rights-management and Monetization on YouTube – How to increase your revenues (EN)
By András Bodrogi (HU) New Media Consultant / Digital Content Advisor / YouTube Specialist
Legislation & fiscality – how to manage the legal changes and the bureaucratic system (RO)
By Iulia Popovici (RO) Co-founder – Trans-sectorial Association of Independents in Culture
Songwriting workshop (RO)
By Dan Byron (RO) Artist
Music cross-border licensing. A perspective on owner-to-licensee relationship (RO)
By Marian Soci (RO) Label Manager at Media Services International/Sony Music Romania, Traian Paicu (RO) Entertainment and Technology Attorney
How to grow and engage a fanbase using newsletters (RO)
By Andra Zaharia (RO) Freelance Content Marketer, Alex Ciucă (RO) Managing Partner – Superior Media / Blogger
Film scoring – how to write music for movie soundtracks (RO)
By Marius Mihalache (RO) Artist
How to make the most out of Gigmit. Get booked at international showcases & festivals (EN)
By Marcus Rüssel (DE) CEO – gigmit
Singing and Songwriting in English (EN)
By Alasdair Bouch (UK) Songwriter / English Vocal Pronunciation Coach / Musician
MMB – 2019 Showcase

Printre ceea ce cunoșteam și apreciam deja, trupe ca Byron, The Mono Jacks sau Vizi, am remarcat câteva trupe / artiști despre care sunt sigur că o să mai auzim. Rehab Nation, Ruth Koleva, ShaoDow, Days of Confusion, Belau, Eckoes.
Mai jos este disponibil un playlist Spotify care conține piese ale trupelor prezente la showcase-uri.
Organizarea conferinței a fost una atentă și detaliată. Aspectele pozitive care merită menționate sunt:
If you’re an organizer, how do you get the audience to come to your festival? If you’re an artist, how do you get that big festival to notice you?
- recepția și înregistrarea invitaților s-au desfășurat astfel încât să se evite aglomerația;
- folosirea ecusoanelor de dimensiuni mari și informațiile tipărite, care au făcut facilitat eficientizarea comunicării dintre invitați;
- posibilitatea planificării online la îndemâna invitațiilor pentru sesiunile din programul conferinței; accesul online la agenda evenimentului pe tot parcursul acestuia la îndemâna oricărui participant chiar și pe terminalele mobile;
- organizarea tehnică a showcase-urilor impecabilă; atât de bună încât a făcut să pară că este ușor de organizat o asemenea desfășurare de trupe;
- cafeaua, băuturile și gustările atât de binevenite și de bune;
- spațiile care au găzduit sesiunile și spațiile exterioare de socializare, cu dimensiuni generoase, curate și bine întreținute. Toaletele bine semnalizate și de o curățenie exemplară.
- amplasamentul spațiului de fumat, cu acces foarte facil;

Această ediție a fost un tur de forță informațional pe tematici despre care, în România, ai puține referințe. Așadar, reiterez ideea că dacă aveți sau intenționați să aveți de-aface cu industria muzicală, participarea la Master the Music Business este un ”must”!